Mark A. Boyd's

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In response to a question on the macromedia.director.lingo newsgroup:

"How can I sort a list of names from a list of property lists, display the sorted names in a text member, click a name and display all the related properties in a text member on another frame?"

Click a name to see the information related to that name.
In this example, the names were sorted in the beginSprite handler of the behavior on the text sprite.

Download sortnames.dir

Director 7 scripts. To use with D8 or higher replace all ¬ characters with \.

The Lingo:
(Syntax highlighting provided by David Mennenoh's way cool HTML-ingo utility).

-- Movie script --

global lDbase -- the main database list
global lNames -- stores the names in their original order

on prepareMovie

on initDbase
  lDbase = [[#company:"Advanced Ind.",#name:"Judy"],¬
  [#company:"Image Co.",#name:"pauline"],¬
  [#company:"Multilink Enterprise",#name:"kent"]]

on sortEm
  namesTxt = ""
  lNames = []
  theCount = lDbase.count
  repeat with i = 1 to theCount
    theName = lDbase[i].name
  end repeat
  lTemp = duplicate(lNames) -- so we don't modify lNames
  sort lTemp
  theCount = lTemp.count
  repeat with i = 1 to theCount
    theName = lTemp[i]
    namesTxt = namesTxt &theName &RETURN
  end repeat
  numLines = namesTxt.line.count
  delete line numLines of namesTxt
  member("names").text = namesTxt --#text member

on displayEm theName -- passed by the clicked sprite
  thePos = lNames.getOne(theName)
  theCompany = lDbase[thePos].company
  outString = "Company:" &&theCompany &&" Name:" &&theName
  member("output").text = outString

-- behavior on text sprite --

property spriteNum, mySprite
property myMem

on beginSprite me
  mySprite = sprite(spriteNum)
  myMem = mySprite.member

on mouseUp me
  theWord = pointToWord(mySprite, the mouseLoc)
  theName = myMem.text.word[theWord]
  displayEm theName
  go to "display"
